Year End Accounts
You’ll receive an FY23 Accounts and Tax Returns email from us asking for specific information required. Below are clear instructions on how to gather that information – but as always, give us a shout if you have any questions.
1) Check your bank reconciliation report in Xero, and ensure there are no unreconciled transactions.
2) All asset purchases over $500 need to have a receipt attached to them in Xero.
3) Any transfer from a business account to a personal account to reimburse business expenses has a receipt attached and the correct contact name.
4) Provide the correct PDF version of a bank statement for all accounts that are linked to your Xero, clearly showing the balances as at 31 March 2023.
5) Correctly complete the home office form if applicable.
If you are unsure if you need to complete this, then let us know.
Click here to complete the Home Office Form.
6) All donations made through your business bank accounts have receipts attached to them.
If you have made any personal donations then please attach copies to the FY23 Accounts and Tax Return email request.