We’re pretty sure you got into business to serve a bigger purpose than just werk, werk, werk.
Because what’s the point of having your own business if it:
➔ Runs you (and your finances) into the ground?
➔ Doesn’t support you to do the things you really dream of doing?
➔ Makes you constantly feel like you’re not getting anywhere fast (or slowly for that matter.)
Hands up if you want to feel like a CEO in charge of your business, not an employee working in your own business.
And give us a nod if you want the risk you’re taking just by being in business, to finally start paying off…

Yeah, we thought as much.
But getting clear on what you want to achieve and how you’ll actually do that is hard when you’re stuck alone in a swamp of day-to-day tasks.

Determine how your business is actually performing.

Make informed, financially sound business decisions with confidence.

Empower you to quickly respond to changes in your business.

Improve systems and processes to boost cashflow, profit and business value.

Business planning
Figure out what you really want your business to achieve, map out a 90-day plan, ditch procrastination, and accelerate towards your dreams.

Setting a budget for your business is about understanding what you want to achieve and creating a clear pathway, using key numbers, to show you how to get there.
How do you want your business to look in one, two or five years?
A strong budget will define your strategic decisions, aid in your marketing spend and help determine where you want to “invest” your resources to ensure every dollar you spend is aligned with your long-term goals for the business.

Forecasting helps proactive business owners understand the uncertainty and risks currently within their industries. The forecasting tools we produce will help determine what the potential impacts could be, but also what actions can they take now to mitigate those risks.
We also investigate what opportunities are emerging – and what the risk is if we do nothing, or how much that opportunity could be worth if actively pursued?

Monthly or quarterly business coaching
We appreciate that owning your own business is hard yakka. Sometimes you need someone to help navigate the right path.
With our business coaching you will get accountability and support to set clear business goals, and consistently work towards knocking them outta the park.
Now let’s be clear. This is a cookie-cutter free zone. Our advisory and coaching programmes are tailored to suit your business goals. So don’t be shy, reach out and let’s chat about what you need.

We dreamt of moving our family out of Auckland to live at our favourite east coast Kiwi beach. So we examined what we needed to do to turn our dream into reality, set ourselves tough financial targets, and structured SMYD in a way that would help us meet those goals.
Sure, our financial expertise and business advisory know-how gave us an advantage. But by:
✔ Clarifying and setting our business direction.
✔ Establishing revenue targets and timeframes.
✔ Identifying the support and resources we needed to make it happen.
We got here!
To be clear, it took 3 years of bloody hard work. We’re certainly not going to sugar coat it.
The point is, with the right fluff-free, laser-focused business advisory guidance behind you (ahem – that’s us btw) you can also make your BIG goals a reality too.